Demand for Higher Education and Graduates in Times of Economic Crisis

Edited by Dušan Lesjak
December 2019, 133 pp.

ISBN 978-83-65020-29-1
20.00 EUR

Sample Pages

Economic crisis has affected employment of graduates and also the structure of employers’ demand for graduates. Changes in graduates’ employment in times of economic crisis, also considering its depth in individual countries, are examined in this monograph. We are interested in how economic crisis and its consequences affect HEIs themselves, particularly changes in number of academic staff and the offer of study programmes. HEI’s responses to consequences of economic crisis are examined in greater detail in this monograph. In order to gain deeper insight into changes, this monograph presents results of a more detailed case study of changes in HE in Slovenia, covering all three aspects studied, i.e. demand for HE, and demand for graduates on the labour market, as well as adjustments of HEIs. The monographs focuses on examination of global
economic crisis effects on non-financial aspects of HE in selected European countries. Since the form and structure of HE differ from one country to another, effects of economic crisis are also different and specific. Due to embedding of HE among different forces, we were interested in how – during global economic crisis – study-related supply and demand, number of students and graduates and their unemployment in European countries change, given different conditions in their economies, and how HEIs adapt to these changes.