The International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning will publish a special issue from contributions presented at the MakeLearn & TIIM Conference 2018.
Guest Editor: Dr Anita Pelle, University of Szeged, Hungary,
The role of knowledge in the process of value creation has been rather apparent for quite some time now. Nevertheless, its ever growing importance is worth studying real-time and repeatedly.
Europe belongs to the developed part of the world but there are some challenges the continent is facing in this respect. First and foremost, there are considerable differences in innovation performance across European countries: while some of them are at the front lines of the knowledge-based economy, others are much more performing a following or even lagging behind character. Second, European firms and the Europe-based subsidiaries of multinational companies are taking various positions in global value creation – not always the top ones, although there are positive examples as well. Third, Europe has lately been challenged by emerging economies that are quickly stepping upwards the knowledge, technology and innovation ladders. European firms and policies must react to these advancements.
The European Union is regularly reviewing its member states in terms of innovation performance, among others. In addition, the EU is conducting policies in the fields of research, development, innovation or industrial competitiveness – all these are areas where knowledge plays a crucial role. The Europe 2020 strategy overarching the 2010–2020 decade has put smart growth among its three priorities. Most lately, the realisation of the Digital Single Market Strategy of the European Commission has been on the agenda.
This special/thematic issue targets the knowledge-based economy in Europe. Papers included in the special issue all relate to this topic in some way, either from the realm of economics (theoretical or applied), or from the business perspective (firms, markets, strategies). They may range from general to specific (e.g. case studies).
Anita Pelle is an associate professor and Jean Monnet Chair in economics at the Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged and Programme Director of the English-language Master in International Economy and Business. She holds a PhD in Economics (2010), her thesis relates to the field of European competition policy. She held a post-doc scholarship from the Hungarian National Centre of Excellence (2013–2014) and was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair title by the European Commission in 2014. She has been teaching and researching on the economy of the EU, the European economic integration process, the EU internal market and its regulation and, most lately, the EU internal divide. She has also been visiting professor at the University of Angers (France), Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 (France), University of Pavia (Italy), University of Macerata (Italy) and the University of Economics in Prague (Czech Republic).
Deadline for paper submission: 15 June 2018
Revised paper submission: 30 July 2018
Special Issue will be published in 2018
» To submit the paper, please login to the conference webpage.
MakeLearn & TIIM Joint Conference 2018 will be held in Naples, Italy from 16 to 18 May 2018. Every year the programme of this conference includes also the Editors Panel. Suggestions from editors of international journals help authors to publish their papers. IJMKL will participate as one of sponsored journals and is honoured to announce a special issue of IJMKL in 2017, which will include some of the best papers of the conference.
IJMKL is indexed/listed in: Erih Plus, Directory of Open Access Journals, EconPapers, Cabell’s Directories
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