By submitting a manuscript authors certify that their manuscripts are their original work, that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, and that they have identified all sources used in the creation of their manuscript. Submitted manuscripts may be subject to checks to detect instances of plagiarism.
Sources of funding should be acknowledged at the end of the article.
All manuscripts are double-blind peer-reviewed by independent external reviewers, selected for their scholarly expertise and experience in the proposal’s field. Reviewers work on a volunteer basis, keep information about the manuscript confidential, and evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content. Reviewers should argue their statements and personal criticism is not permitted.
Conflict of Interest. Every participant involved in the peer review process must declare any potential conflicts of interest.
The authors must disclose all potential financial or non-financial conflicts of interest that could have a direct or indirect influence on the work. A conflict of interest statement should be included in all manuscripts. Authors may also declare names of reviewers who they think might have a potential conflict of interest.
The Peer Reviewers are also obligated to disclose any conflicts of interest; reviewers who belong to the same institute as authors are not invited to review manuscripts.
Editors must not review submitted manuscripts if they have any personal, professional, or financial conflict of interest with the authors. The decision on manuscripts submitted by an Editor or an Editorial Board member will be taken by the Senior Adviser (or by any other member of the Editorial Board; the Managing Editor will identify members who do not have any potential conflict of interest).
The final decision to publish a submitted manuscript is the responsibility of the Editors. The Editors should confer with the members of the Editorial Board in making this decision. All submissions will receive an answer from the editors, either if the manuscript is rejected or accepted for publication. Manuscripts should be processed in less than 6 months from submission date. Authors, Editors and Reviewers should follow guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Proofs. Page proofs in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author; proofs should be corrected and returned within five days. Proofs should be used only to check the paper’s typesetting, editing, completeness and correctness. Significant changes to the paper as accepted for publication are not permitted.
Complaints and Appeals. Anybody wishing to raise a concern or make a complaint may email The investigation will be carried out according to COPE guidelines.
Ethical Oversight. In dealing with unethical practices, the journal will follow COPE guidelines. In case of misconduct, steps will be taken to correct the scholarly record.