IJMKL | Guide for Authors


Papers submitted to the International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning are accepted on the understanding that they are original and not under simultaneous consideration by any other publication. Submitted manuscripts may be subject to checks in order to detect instances of plagiarism. All papers are subject to double-blind peer review. The number of authors of paper submission is limited to a maximum of four.

Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript should be submitted as a camera-ready paper using the journal template. Please use only the styles provided in the template and do not change the formatting. The paper should not contain headers/footers and page numbers. The length of the paper should be 6 to 12 pages.

The editors reserve the right to return to authors, without peer review, improperly formatted manuscripts.

Reference List

The reference list must be in APA 7 format (see https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples). Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic citations lies entirely with the author(s).