The Impact of Achievement Orientation on Goal Clarity




private Islamic high school, goal clarity, Achievement-Oriented, organizational behavior


Purpose: This study is to enrich the scientific paradigm in the field of Islamic education management, and to explore the effect of achievement-oriented leadership style on the goal clarity, particularly the study of organizational behavior.

Study design/methodology/approach: This study employs a quantitative research approach using the survey method. The population consists of all teachers employed in a private Islamic high school in one of the provinces in Indonesia. The sample size was determined to be 120 in number, selected through the area sampling technique. Data collection utilized a questionnaire featuring a Likert scale as the primary instrument.

Findings: It revealed that being achievement-oriented has a direct positive impact on goal clarity. The conclusion of this study is that the achievement-oriented, approach influences the goal clarity of Islamic Private High School in one of the provinces in Indonesia.

Originality/value: In light of these criteria, the observed t-value (11.11) surpasses the tabulated t-value (1.98), leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis (H0) and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (H1). The research hypothesis asserts a direct influence of achievement-oriented heads of Islamic Private High School (X1) on the goal clarity of Islamic Private High School (X2), which is supported by the evidence.

Author Biographies

  • Noviriani, IAI Yasni Bungo Jambi-Indonesia

    Noviriani is a lecturer at IAI Yasni Bungo Jambi-Indonesia, She is active in research, and presently, she is attending a doctoral program in education management, In this study, she is in charge of drafting and writing a manuscript and data analysis.

  • Su'aidi Asy'ari, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

    Su'aidi Asy'ari is a professor at UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. He is a lecturer in the postgraduate program at UIN Sulthan Thaha Jambi, Indonesia. In this study, he handled the translation and review of the manuscript.






