Determining Factors of International E-Tutoring


  • Mattis Altmann TU Dresden
  • Lisa-Marie Langesee Technische Universität Dresden
  • Victor Berger Technische Universität Dresden
  • Maximilian-Alexander Höflich Technische Universität Dresden
  • Amira Materna



Virtual Exchange, E-tutor;, Collaborative Online International Learning;, Higher Education;


Purpose: Virtual Exchange (VE) enables geographically separated collaboration without the need for physical travel and the use of resources like time and money. The complexity for students participating in VE modules can be reduced by using e-tutors as learning facilitators. In this context, we focus on determining factors for e-tutorial support in international collaborations in higher education and thus cross-cultural and cross-border collaboration of learners in the sense of VE.

Study design/methodology/approach: This paper aims to answer the question “Which determinants impact e-tutoring during collaborative and international Virtual Exchange modules?”. Therefore, the results are compiled, analyzed, and synthesized with the help of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) according to Okoli & Schabram (2010).

Findings: The result is a concept matrix of 41 identified determinants of international e-tutoring in higher education, divided into six main categories: responsibilities, competencies, communication, organization, pedagogy, and prerequisites. The results allow a more precise separation of e-tutors activities in VE modules and thus offer concrete proposals for differentiating, improving, and scaling the role of the e-tutor.

Originality/value: Students' demand to acquire global skills becomes more and more common. VE modules offer the potential to meet this demand if delivered correctly. Previous research in this field partially covers determining factors of e-tutoring, but there is a lack of a concise overview that can serve as a basis for improvement.

Author Biography

  • Mattis Altmann, TU Dresden

    Mattis Altmann is research associate and PhD student at the Chair of Business Informatics at the faculty of Economic at the TU Dresden. He teaches in the scope of virtual and international collaboration in small groups as well as case study design and formative Feedback. Further he is project manager in a Erasmus+ capacity building project which aims for the implementation of Virtual Mobility and Internationalization@home in the Western Balkan regions. His research areas include the design of case studies to foster virtual collaboration and formative Feedback in virtual group work.






