A Framework for Designing Behavioural Change with the Use of Persuasive Technology


  • Ana Pintar University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
  • Jure Erjavec University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business


persuasive technology, behavioural change, compelling system design, transtheoretical model


Purpose: There is limited integration of behaviour theories and persuasive technology on behavioural change. Previous research calls for employing behaviour change theories to inform their persuasive designs and to illustrate how the theories employed are linked to the design features. In this paper, we propose the integration of two theoretical models – the persuasive system design and the transtheoretical model – to identify which persuasive interventions work best for the user to progress through different stages of behavioural change.

Study design/methodology/approach: We performed an in-depth literature review of the transtheoretical model and persuasive system design, followed by an initial framework conceptualization. The initial framework was validated and finalized through in-depth interviews of individuals who have practised the behaviour change for at least half a year.

Findings: In this paper, we have successfully identified the persuasive system design features and mapped them onto the transtheoretical model stages of change, where the stages can be reduced into early and late stages. Consequently, we have developed a framework for designing behavioural change with the use of persuasive technology and validated it through empirical research.

Originality/value: The findings have practical implications for understanding which principles UI and UX and designers should follow when designing products for behavioural change. Moreover, our work provides insights and recommendations for the future design of persuasive interventions that consider the transtheoretical model of change.







